It’s been about a year since I last did a C Sews StytleEye post. I’m reviving it. I borrowed the idea from Bill Cunningham’s On the Street photos for the New York Times (as I mentioned this in my very first post C Sews StyleEye 3 Jan. 2012). I wasn’t a very good sewcialist back then! Instead I was more focused on learning to use WordPress.
This is essentially a brief look at the clothes and accessories that I’ve captured (with my iPhone) on people I’ve seen as I’m out and about – mostly in San Francisco or the East Bay. These people are on the move so some of the photos aren’t exactly in focus but I think you can still get the idea of the fabric and cut.
I have not edited the photos – partly to give you an idea of where the photos were shot (on the street, at a cafe, in the grocery store) and it certainly saves time! I took two photos of the last skirt because I really loved the use of fabric.
Below are the skirts that caught my eye for various reasons – fun fabric (love those elephants!), nice shape, or interesting details (check out the buttons on that jean skirt!).
I like long skirts. I usually like the hem to be several inches below my knees – mid-calf at the very least. Also I really don’t have the legs for short skirts. 😉
Do you have a favorite skirt length?
Check out the ones below. What ones do you like?

All of these are pretty cute, actually. I was wondering how you took these pics? I wanted to do something similar on my blog, to take pics of outfits I see folks wearing that I love, for inspiration, etc. But didn’t know about the ‘legal’ side. Did you snap these photos sureptitously or did you ask for their permission to photograph and then to post? I wasn’t sure how to approach the issue.
I stalked people on the street and took their photos using my iPhone. Most of the time they are moving targets so I barely have time to take the photo, much less aak permission. I don’t include faces unless I’ve asked permission to take their photo.
Most people are flattered when I’ve asked. I tell them I like what they’re wearing and if they’d mind if I took a photo for my blog. Of the photos in this post – I asked the lady in the jean skirt if I could take her photo. The rest were done on the sly. 😉