I haven’t posted a StyleEye in a couple months. So I finally went through some of the photos I’ve taken in the interim and discovered that I had a theme of stripes – striped skirts and striped tops.
I’ve always loved stripes. I have striped socks, striped t-shirts, striped knit tops, striped sweaters, and hats trimmed with striped grosgrain ribbon. But I don’t have a striped skirt. Maybe that’s why all these skirts captured my attention!
Personally, I’m a bit wary of sewing stripes because I would want the stripes to line up, which seems like a little tricky endeavor to me. I’ve managed to avoid matching fabric designs in the clothes I sew. However, This skirt (left) and this cyclist’s knit top (below) made me realize that there is a way around that. You can simply put a panel with stripes — perpendicular to the main stripes — on the side and avoid having to line up the stripes in a side seam.
Seeing all these stripes made me want to buy some striped knit fabric and see what I could make. So I got a couple yards of this black-and-white knit at Discount Fabrics in San Francisco. (See my post “Shopping for Fabric,” for more info.) I’m not sure what I’ll make with it but it’ll be fun to experiment!

Comments, tips, or suggestions? I'd love to hear from you!