Reader Interactions


  1. Mabel says

    I have 2 totes of fabric NEED to sell . posted on Facebook “Original Fabric Detaching” & marketplace. Have posted several pictures of each piece. In description put condiction, brand, etc. Was told I post group pic, then go back and add pics of each piece and put price & yardage on each pic? Customers want price. How do I do this? HELP

  2. Fiona says

    Thankyou for your information it is just what I was looking for. I have so much – boxes and boxes and even rolls. It is very time consuming taking pictures and detailing.
    I have even thought of giving it away but haven’t had much luck here either. People only want to drive past one suburb! Really?? if you are getting it for free you have to make an effort!
    So based on your experience I think I’ll make a new Facebook profile and list it all there. Like you said, once you list in Marketplace it’s easy to add the listing to more groups.
    I’ll start with a few I think will be most popular. I need a cup of tea before I start. haha

    • Nancy Mary says

      I have donated fabrics i definitely did not want to Goodwill. They were grateful & have it for sale on their website.

  3. Patty Roy says

    Did any of the FB destash groups allow anyone to post pics of enormoys stash like in the shelves and then ask for ppl to pm requests? I have a friend who has walls of _abric where posting each one would be a torturous and unending task.

  4. Abbey says

    Thank you for sharing your experiences! A few folks I follow on IG have done destash sales recently and I appreciated that they all created separate accounts for that purpose or, in one case, provided a link to a website with a sales platform that they were utilizing. The FB groups sound like a good way to get your fabric(s) in front of a receptive audience as well–I’m glad you had success that way!

    I’ve sold or listed fabric for sale on eBay, only because I loathe FB and refuse to be active on it or join groups (I have it for band communications only, haha!). I don’t have much posted, and I’m not super-motivated to sell it; if something doesn’t sell, I will just donate it. It’s mostly about clearing space and being honest with myself about what I will or won’t sew, particularly after it’s been in stash for a while. If I can recoup a few dollars while I do it, all the better! =)

    • Chuleenan says

      You’re welcome! I know what you mean about FB. Some people aren’t on it so I thought I’d try IG and FB and see what happened.

      I’ve never bought fabric on eBay but I have bought sewing patterns there. I haven’t tried to sell anything on eBay. I know what you mean about not being too motivated to sell it.

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