Hi, I finally took some time to go through the new fall sewing patterns from the Big 4 – Butterick, McCalls, Simplicity and Vogue. I wondered if I would see anything I liked. Some patterns were not very interesting or were just things I wouldn’t wear. But I did see a few from each company that I would like to sew.
Here are a few highlights, in no particular order, from Simplicity and Vogue. I’ll get to fall patterns from Butterick and McCalls later this month. This post would have been way to long to do all four!
Simplicity fall sewing patterns
I like this interesting 1950s knit top pattern (8452) reissued by Simplicity this year. If you visit this page, be sure to click on the tab “Envelope Back,” which has what appears to be the original illustrated step-by-step instructions on how to put it on.
Check out the front, which just tucks in the waist of whatever you’re wearing.
Love the back! I only wonder if it will stayed tucked in the front. It’s super easy to make because it’s just a rectangle so I will definitely check it out.
Apparently Simplicity will be celebrating its 90th anniversary next year. I also discovered that in honor of this event, they are selling various sewing-related goodies on their website, including a sewing planner and tote bags – all featuring vintage Simplicity images.
I’m assuming the anniversary is the reason why they are reissuing so many vintage patterns. There are patterns from the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s, such as this 1940s ensemble (8462).
I rarely see vintage separates reissued. I would make this bolero jacket, blouse and skirt pattern! But I likely wouldn’t wear them all together unless I made the skirt and jacket in different colors. I’m not too thrilled by the fabric choices here.
I love vintage dresses and have made a few, which you can see here and here, but I realize that I don’t wear them very much. So I’ve decided to focus on garments that I know I’ll wear more than once or twice a year.
This Simplicity pattern seems influenced by sewing blogs, which is where I first heard people discussing pattern hacks. So here’s a skirt that was drafted to be hacked. I like the drape of this skirt as is so I may just buy it for the basic skirt.
The only other new Simplicity-related pattern I’d like to make is this New Look pattern (6352), which are very reasonably priced – just $4.29 at full price!
I really love the jacket. You could make it from a great home dec fabric.
The pants are nice, too. I like the subtle flare.
Vogue fall sewing patterns
I’m sure many people have seen Kathryn Brenne’s stunning design for this knit dress. See the image at the top to see what that skirt looks like when it’s fully open. Amazing.
I saw on Kathryn’s Instagram account (@kathrynbrenneoriginal) that the pattern sold out once already. Wow. So I guess Vogue did another printing because it’s still available on the website. (Follow her IG to see her great style – such striking clothes and great accessories.)
One thing I realized when looking at the current crop of Vogue patterns is that many of them have several designs aimed at covering up certain parts of the body, such as the belly, hips and derriere. It makes me wonder about the age demographic of Vogue pattern buyers. 😉 [See comments below about why this sentence is struck out.]
Here’s a fall pattern by Sandra Betzina (V1515). It doesn’t look all that interesting on this model but I saw another version in person on Sandra when I attended Artistry in Fashion last month. She eliminated the elastic around the neckline and it looked much better.
Here’s the pattern cover. Sandra says she noticed in Japan that they have layered tops. She designed this one to be similar to what she saw there. It leaves a deliberate gap between the skirt and the hem of the top. Sandra says this helps to hide the waist.
Sorry I didn’t take any photos of her wearing the version she made. But it was flattering and I think this would be a fun layering piece to have in my wardrobe.
Sandra wore a version of this dress (V1551) to Artistry in Fashion, too. It doesn’t look very exciting here, perhaps because of the fabric choices but I can tell you that it looked more interesting on Sandra. The bottom half reminds me of Kathryn Brenne’s dress.
The important thing when making this dress is to use a fabric that drapes nicely. Otherwise the sides will stick out, which would be unflattering.
OK, I know I said I was going to highlight patterns I would make, but this custom-fit Vogue dress (V9267) is so pretty, I couldn’t resist adding it to this post. Also, it has separate pieces for different cup sizes (A through D) and there are two skirt options, this flared one and a fitted version.
What are you making this fall?

What’s with the comment about Vogue customers? You wrote “It makes me wonder about the age demographic of Vogue pattern buyers.” Is that a slur to older female bodies? Or if we are young we shouldn’t buy Vogue patterns? Bodies come in all shapes no matter the age. Please consider what you write because it can come off as very hurtful.
Thank you so much for your comments, Jody. You are right. My comment was careless. I think I was influenced by hearing Sandra Betzina talk about her Vogue patterns at Artistry in Fashion. Several times throughout her talk, she pointed out various aspects of her designs that disguised the body and joked about drawing attention away from certain areas. I particularly liked the top in V1515, which she pointed out, disguised the middle area because it stood out from the body. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard her talk but she’s very charming and funny.
So a few days later, when I was looking at the Vogue patterns, I was struck by how many of their designs also seemed to take this approach of covering up various parts of the body. I lazily wrote that sentence about the age demographic rather than taking more time to discuss the designs. That sentence doesn’t belong in this post so I will strike it out but leave it for people to see.
If I had any questions about the patterns, they should have been about Vogue designers rather then the pattern buyers. Of course, people of any age or body type can buy whatever pattern they want. The last pattern I mentioned in my post is a custom-fit Vogue pattern, which offers more than one cup size.
Thanks again, Jody, for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate hearing from readers!
I hadn’t even noticed that New Look pattern, but I love the jacket! Home dec fabric is a great suggestion for that too…it could really become a statement piece! The Simplicity knit top is one I was *thisclose* to buying during the last sale but I couldn’t be sure how comfortable/wearable it would really be for me. (I don’t really wear many skirts, and I’m not a huge fan of tucking things in!)
This Fall I need to focus on trousers and tops! I would love to make a few dresses as well but separates are wardrobe must-haves for me when the temperatures drop. I’m also thinking about my holiday outfit already, haha! =)
I really like the back of the jacket. It could even be fun in sweatshirt fabric. Or you could really dress it up! I’m intrigued by that vintage top. I have some high-waist skirts so it could work for those. I know what you mean about not wearing things tucked in. I usually don’t either. 😉